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Saturday, 16 August 2014

Alcohol Abuse is a disease

Drinking is holding you back; it’s keeping you from pursuing many of your dreams and is affecting your mind and impacting your life negatively.
Everyone is not convinced, but addiction to alcohol is a disease, a form of physical allergy coupled with a mental obsession.

Alcoholism is a chronic, progressive disease characterized by loss of control over alcohol consumption. 
The concept of disease, once understood and accepted, we can begin to realize that a person who abuses a substance does not necessarily intentionally, but because she is sick, and need help.
Treatment centers for alcoholics and addicts are socially conclusive evidence. and the list of symptoms and characteristics of the disease is available, and allows us to recognize its presence and effects.

One of the symptoms of alcoholism is drinking by compulsion. This "obligation" to consume is inadequate, unpredictable, and excessive.
We now know that alcohol is linked to several factors. Some studies have shown that the incidence of the disease is greater when a parent suffers from alcoholism. That is why it is believed that the disease could be genetic and biochemical disorders involve.
Psychological and social factors play a role, such as anxiety, relationship problems, low self-esteem, accessibility and social tolerance alcohol, peer pressure and a stressful life.

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