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Monday, 9 February 2015

Want to be loved? 5 things you can do

Everyone needs to feel loved. This is an important aspect of being human.Being loved by others can be very easy; you just have to know how:

 1- Love yourself first!
Before you could have a good relationship with anyone else, you must first have cultivated a good one with yourself to build a solid foundation , remember that you don't have to be perfect because no one is.

2- Respect yourself 
When you respect yourself, other people will follow; treat yourself right ,
There is a saying: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent/approval.Be good to yourself and know that you can achieve anything;

4- Take good care of yourself 
Taking care of yourself means inside and out , be positive,  if you need help , you can read self-help books or spending time around happy friends or family , take care of your body Eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, get enough sleep, and exercise regulary.

4- Respect others 
 Always be respectful and nice to other people;and be a good listener. If you are nice to people, they will be nice to you.Always treat others how you want to be treated.Be the change you wish to see in the world. A word of kindness can mean all the difference .

3- Make new friends
A good place to start is by making some new friends, take a class , a cooking course , a new language, or join a sport team ,  try to help out others when they are struggling or in need ,Be consistently helpful and kind,

5- Get a pet 
A pet is another way to bring more love into your life. Our animals love us unconditionally and depend on us greatly. a pet give you responsibility, and make you happier to come home.

6- Volunteer
Volunteering is the best way for you to feel loved while having an incredibly positive impact on your community.Volunteering is also a great way for people of all ages to meet others.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Social Anxiety CAN Be Overcome !

Do you often feel nervous and uncomfortable in social situations?

Do you know of one thing that can single-handedly rob you of opportunities to meet others, ensure your chances of building relationships are shattered and possibly take a toll on your health?

I’m talking about a condition known as Social Anxiety or Social Fear and it is something that is obstructing the lives of people all over the world. It can make every attempt to surround yourself with other people a living nightmare.

The severity of the problem ranges from apprehension in social environments to levels of fear that can be terrifying at the thought of being around other people.

Bottom line – it’s no way to live life. This isn’t how human interaction should work.

We have relationships in life because they’re meant to nurture the soul. Without these relationships you’re simply not living life to the fullest – and there’s no excuse for that.

Aside from the role relationships play in life on a spiritual level, we must certainly not forget the role they play on enhancing one’s level of success.

We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” And no statement could be truer.

While skills, talent, persistence, determination, education and just about any favorable trait one may have that can get them to a certain level, the relationships they build with others will almost always take them further.

Reason being is that in order to truly succeed in life, you will at some point need to effectively partner with others. Doing so will enable you to leverage their strengths and connections, which will in turn make you more successful.

The sad fact of the matter, however, is people from all over the world are being shortchanged out of the opportunities that await them simply because they cannot bear the thought of being in social environments because their fears have taken over their lives.

All that said, you don’t have to remain a victim to social anxiety any longer. There is a REAL step by step path to re-engaging yourself with the world and without fear. It all starts with the step by step video below…
It all starts with this simple step by step video to conquer social anxiety and reclaim your life once and for all.

Watch it now while it's still available for this limited time.

Take care

Monday, 2 February 2015

Every New Day is Another Chance to Change Your Life

What if you could create your own luck, multiply the "coincidences" and even involve some miracles in your life every day? 

What if you can connect to your heart desire’s frequency, and know how to do it ? you can expect your dreams to come true faster than you can imagine. 

This guide will help you realize that you are the master of your mind; you have the power to control your mind, your thoughts, and your emotions, to take charge of your life here and now. Read it again and again, you will discover your power; you will see how your life could be a dream, your dream.