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Friday, 23 January 2015

6 Things to Do To love Yourself and Transform your life

The most important decision of our life, the one that will affect every other decision we make, is the commitment to love and accept ourselves.
You’ll never be capable of self-love if you have false beliefs about your value as a person and what you feel you are or are not capable of.The way we view ourselves according to those beliefs is limiting.

We form those beliefs based on the conclusions about our own experiences from our childhood. Disappointing events, at any point in life, can affect your perception of who you are, and the mental picture you hold of yourself, your internal self-image.

Free up your hidden potential, fully appreciate how unique and valuable you really are, and understand that no matter where you are in life, you have the ability to unleash your potential and create change. You are the one who gets to decide what you get out of life.

Your self-worth is never based on the external world, the most important commitment of your life, the one that will affect every other decision you make, is the commitment to love  yourself,

Self- love is the underlying cause for all problems in our life, These are 7 powerful steps to heal and love yourself:  

1- Forgive yourself and breath without Guilt:

Feeling guilty is an excessive rumination about one's failures, guilt associate with others, guilt involves awareness that our actions have injured someone else.
If you have done something wrong, then it would make sense to feel guilty, guilt keeps us in check morally, we all make mistakes and we all feel bad about them.

It’s just plain human .You are human
Worrying about past situations is not useful.  Worrying changes nothing, no amount of worrying will change or alter the past. We cannot change the past but it could help us to know how to behave in future situations.

Your Irrational Guilt is keeping you Stuck, if you have done nothing wrong, and then you should not feel guilty. It is either appropriate to feel guilty in a situation or it isn’t, guilt just eats into effort you should be putting elsewhere, majority of time is a Waste of Time, and poison set out to make you have a very bad days and bad life.

You deserve to feel better, forgive yourself, treat yourself like you treat your very best friend.Do you treat him/her with love, kindness, trust, appreciation, acceptance, and respect?
You deserve a fresh beginning!

2- Releasing Negative Feelings:

Negative emotions such as anxiety, frustration, guilt sadness and unworthiness, affect your life in a negative manner, a chronic discomfort called emotional pain.

Writing about your experiences can heal you,you think with writing, to discover more about yourself,
write your thoughts and feeling no matter how they come , your brain begin to think clearly, and your heart begin to open up. 

When you write down your  experiences, allow yourself to feel those feelings, 
Feeling compassion allows us to be present with our pain so it can be acknowledged and let go.

3-Learn lessons behind the experience:

Your problems give you opportunities to develop skills, abilities, and your character.
It’s not easy to learn from our mistakes, because people tend to stay where they are, you need to absorb  to your life  the lessons you learn, you need to go out of your comfort zone, make change and grow.You can do it by asking the right questions:

What can I learn from it?
In what area do I need to change?
How can i prevent this in the future?
What is other people’s worldview?
What have other people done better than me?

4-Let go perfectionnism:

Everybody’s ultimate goal in life, is to be happy and successful, is achieve success in your career, in what you want to do with your life,  and be the person you want to be, but it’s easier said than done.
There are so many challenging barriers in our way, and perfectionnism is one of them, the result: we stay stuck where we are, we feel even more overwhelmed, paralyzed, probably we find ourselves bored, or disconnected from our dreams.
When we stay stuck long enough, it can be more serious things like depression, hopelessness and despair.

Remember that you are human, because sometimes we feel like outcasts or weirdos, but that is just something that makes you unique, and to be human is to be imperfect.
Be gentel with yourself, dont be hard on yourself, we are not equal, every one has his own limitations ,you can achieve everything with a step by step process.

5)-Do what you love :

If you’re feeling unfulfilled and unhappy in your job, maybe it’s because you’re on a path that doesn’t connect with your passion and what you love to do ,  it is best that you search for something you are passionate about, do what you enjoy  to do. 

Listen to music you love, music is used for therapeutic purposes, enable to allow a non-verbal communication but musical, provokes a pleasant emotional state, a feeling of well-being, inner harmony and  joy , It can be said that listening to our favorite music acts on our body as the same way as drugs. However dopamine level created is different for everyone, we are not all equal. 

Eat what  you love,prepare yourself a nice meal, Eating what you love is such a sensory experience. It not only involves tasting the food, but also feeling the textures of the food in your mouth, smelling the aromas, and admiring it visually. Eating what you love , is a love experience,geat moments of pleasure 

6- Practice Gratitude:

Gratitude for what we have is necessary to attract what we want with the law of attraction. It is natural that you want the best, you want to improve your life, but you need to feel gratitude for what you already have. 
Life will be easier and more abundant. Currently you have to feel a sense of gratitude before materializing positive things in your life. When you think of great things are already happening to you, you are grateful. Also, be thankful for something you believe in, it's like sending very strong positive vibrations throughout the universe. 

So every day when you wake up, you have to be grateful. Think of all the good things in your life for which you should be thankful. Thank for your job (even if you do not like it for now) this will attract a new one if that's the case. 
Make a daily a list of 10 things you are grateful for , no matter how simple they are , and see how  your blessing will increase , and how that can change your life .

If you want to do it the right way, Extreme Self Care, Taking Care of Yourself Inside Out , can transform your life , you can get the kindle version here :

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